Frequently Asked Questions
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation ensures that professional programs achieve and maintain a level of performance, integrity, and quality that entitles them to the confidence of the educational community and public they serve. This recognition is extended primarily through non-governmental, voluntary, institutional, or professional associations. These groups establish criteria for accreditation, arrange site visits, evaluate those institutions and professional programs seeking accreditation, and publicly designate those programs that meet the criteria. Accreditation, which applies to institutions or programs, is distinguished from certification and licensure, which apply to individuals. Although accreditation is basically a private, voluntary process, accrediting decisions are used as a consideration in many formal actions by governmental funding agencies, scholarship commissions, foundations, employers, counselors, and potential students.
Accrediting bodies have, therefore, come to be viewed as quasi-public entities with important responsibilities to the many groups who interact with the educational community.
There are two types of accreditation:
Institutional accreditation is granted by regional and national accrediting commissions of schools and colleges, which collectively serve most of the institutions chartered or licensed in the United States. These commissions and associations accredit the institution as a whole.
Specialized accreditation of professional and occupational schools and programs is granted by commissions on accreditation established by national professional organizations. Each of these groups has its own distinct definition of eligibility, criteria for accreditation, and operating procedures. However, all have undertaken accreditation activities primarily to ensure that the members of the profession or occupation have received the highest level of educational preparation possible.The Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) is a specialized accrediting organization comprised of representatives from all segments of the aviation field.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
- Participate in the improvement of collegiate aviation education.
- Network with representatives from every aspect of the aviation industry and develop important new contacts.
- Provide and collect valuable feedback through AABI contacts
- Build your résumé and enhance your marketability
- Gain greater industry insight and develop an expertise in aviation career planning
- Offer your students a clear path to their career goals
- Justify future resources for your career counseling programs
- Improve opportunities for scholarships
- Build parental confidence
- Click here for more membership information
- Why Corporate or Trade Membership? Click Here!
What are the Membership Categories and Fees?
Corporate Members are nationally recognized aviation corporations, industry organizations, or aviation education organizations. (Annual Dues: $3,600.00) Trade Association Members include any recognized trade association which is not a governmental entity or employee/labor union or association and which represents or renders service to the aviation industry and which has a special expertise in aviation. (Annual Dues: $1,650.00) Accredited Educator Members include AABI and regionally accredited colleges or universities. (Annual Dues: $1,430.00 + $385/branch campus) Non-Accredited Educator Members include any regionally accredited college or university having an aviation program or offering courses in aviation. (Annual Dues: $1,565.00 + $440.00/branch campus) include organizations or institutions not eligible for AABI accreditation. (Annual Dues: $660.00) include any organization, corporation, foundation, institution, practitioner, or individual having an interest in aviation and aviation education that desires to contribute knowledge or support to the AABI, but does not qualify as a Corporate Member. There are two classifications of Sustaining Members: Individual (Annual Dues: $85.00) and Organization (Annual Dues: $730.00)
Student Members are enrolled as a full-time students (as defined by their institution) at a post-secondary institution in a school term having an interest in aviation or in aviation education, that desires to contribute knowledge or support to AABI and is willing to forward the goals and objectives of AABI ($35.00 annual dues).
Corporate, Educator and Trade Association members are voting members. Sustaining members are non-voting members.
How Can I Join?
Simply print and email, mail, or fax your membership application.
Applications are available below:
Corporate Membership
Trade Association Membership
Educator Membership
Sustaining Individual Membership
Sustaining Organization Membership
Student Membership
What are the Steps for Accreditation?
In order for an institution to apply for accreditation for its aviation program(s), it must first be an AABI Educator Member ($1,565.00 USD/year)
The second step is to send in the application (AABI Institutional Information Form and AABI Form 202 A,B, and/or G – click here for forms) with the appropriate fees (AABI Form 203). The application is then reviewed by the Accreditation Committee and, if successful, the institution is accepted into “candidate status.” At that point the institution is given one year to complete a Self-Study Report (SSR) (AABI Form 204). Once the Self-Study Report has been reviewed and accepted by the Accreditation Committee, a Team Visit will be scheduled. Visits usually occur in the spring and the fall. The Team consists of a combination of educators and industry representatives. The size of the Team will be determined by the number of programs that have been applied for. The fees for the Team Visit must be paid prior to the Team arriving at the institution. After the Team Visit, a report is sent to the Accreditation Committee for review at either the Winter (February) or Annual (July) Meeting. At that time the Accreditation Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board will then make one of the eight decisions possible (see #27 of AABI Form 212 “Steps to Accreditation”).
It is very strongly recommended that anyone interested in accreditation attend at least one of our meetings. We have two meetings every year, one in February and one in July. Please visit the Meetings Page for information on our upcoming meetings. The July meeting includes an Accreditation Seminar (on the Monday of the week of the meeting) which is extremely beneficial to anyone beginning the process!!
Please visit the full “Steps To Accreditation” for more information.
What Colleges and Universities have Accredited Programs?
Please visit the Directory of Accredited Programs page for a full list of accredited programs and programs in candidate status.
What Publications and Forms are Available?
Visit our Forms & Publications page.
What aviation programs are eligible for AABI accreditation?
Programs must be degree-granting, at a nationally or regionally recognized institution, or the international equivalent, at the associate, baccalaureate, master’s or doctoral-degree levels. Non-degree-granting institutions that are predominately organized to educate students for trade, occupational or technical careers are not eligible to be AABI-accredited. Click here for more information on AABI accreditation.